Comme vous le savez, les invités du Ciné Club à chaque projection ont la gentillesse de faire des dons au Club. Nous remettons ensuite ces dons à une association caritative agréée. Cette saison cinématographique, nous remettons des documents au DEC, l'appel du Comité d'urgence en cas de catastrophe Turquie-Syrie pour le tremblement de terre, qui aidera à fournir une aide aux personnes touchées par les tremblements de terre en Turquie et en Syrie. Nous avons promis de publier le reçu des contributions ici sur le site du Film Club.
La saison cinématographique 2023 a été courte et les dons n’ont pas été aussi élevés que la saison précédente. Une fois de plus, nous avons fait un don via DEC, cette fois au Pakistan Flood Appeal.
Les dons sont :
As you know, Film Club guests at each screening kindly provide donations to the Club. We then give these donations to an agreed charity. This Film Season (2022) we are giving donations to DEC, the Disasters Emergency Committee Turkey-Syria Earthquake appeal that will help provide aid to people affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. We promised to publish the receipt of the contributions here on the Film Club website.
The 2023 Film Season was short and donations were not as high as the previous Season. Once again, we have donated via DEC, this time to the Pakistan Flood Appeal.
The donations are:
Mecredi/Wednesday Septembre/September 13 2023:
(Due to the high volume of donations we receive, it may take a couple of hours for your email receipt to arrive.)
Your donation of 72.00 euros will make a real difference for the millions of people affected by the devastating floods in Pakistan.
As you know, the recent devastating floods in Pakistan have left millions of people in need of humanitarian support. Entire communities have been swept away, leaving families homeless. They need food, clean drinking water and shelter.
We'll report back on how your donation was spent on our website after the first six months of the appeal.
Thank you again for your generous donation to help the people of Pakistan.
Yours sincerely,
Saleh Saeed
DEC Chief Executive
If you have any questions or problems regarding your transaction please contact our Supporter Care team quoting your transaction reference: 7ZP2NKLV0913
Lundi/Monday Mars/March 20 2022:
(Due to the high volume of donations we receive, it may take a couple of hours for your email receipt to arrive.)
Dear Simon,
Thank you so much for your donation to the DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal.
Donation amount:
£125.00 (142 euro)
As you know, the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria have caused widespread devastation. Thousands of people have died and survivors have been left without shelter. They desperately need emergency shelter, medical care, food and clean water.
We'll report back on how your donation was spent on our website after the first six months of the appeal. You can also keep updated on social media by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Thank you again for your generous donation to help those devastated by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
Yours sincerely,
Saleh Saeed
DEC Chief Executive
If you have any queries relating to this donation, please contact our Supporter Care Team quoting your reference number: 01GVTBE4TP9Y6ADXY084KD12BD.
Membres du ciné-club - Merci de ta générosité
Film Club Members - Thank you for your generosity